
Marketing Consulting and Market Studies

Are you a newbie to the market? Haven’t started yet? You got to the right place. In our marketing agency, we help you dig into the market with an understandable mind. Building market research is the infrastructure of any business. We absorb the market and observe your competitors like a Crossworder. Upon first view, we create points of uniqueness that help your brand stand out. We consult, analyze, and create a strategic marketing plan that will help you stand out.

We solve problems in a different way! We know how to find information and use it to our advantage. The market is full of stories, we will write them and make yours a wonderful story to hear.

Understanding the numbers and the behavior is the key for a great enter. In every sector, there are battels going on by using the power of strategy. We will do our homework, and you will get the passing score.

Many questions are there needs to be solved. We as Crossworders know how to answer those questions by the power of mind and knowledge. Hand by hand, we will go through success and beyond!

We are professional players in the game. Strategy is knowing from where to start and how to acquire. The plans we create are based on the highest standards of marketing methods that can make the difference.

Creative Services and Advertisement

The perception of any brand starts with its visual identity. In our creative services, our team works along with your brand team to make sure everything is aligned. Our creative team absorbs your brand visually, thinks, generates an artistic work that speaks to your consumer, and generates the brand’s own identity. We get your brand to have a unique creative visualization that makes your brand memorable.

Translating words to beautiful picture. We have artists, not only graphic designers with an amazing eye! They like things so neat and outstanding.

Creating a whole personality to your business. From the way it speaks, to the way it looks.

Your campaign, your SM, your everything, needs a complete design that can speaks, reach and impress. Crossworders knows it all.

This is the FUN part! Creativity needs someone with a vast space of thoughts and ideas. This person comes up with craaazy things that can set the market on fire. We call them; Crossworders!

Brand Strategic Plan

Understanding brand characteristics such as voice, tone, narrative, brand values, and brand identification is critical. Consumers do not seek any brand; rather, they want a brand that speaks to them, to their needs and desires. We guide you through the process of developing or rebuilding your brand, as well as how to become a storyteller and have your brand values and identity. We blend elements of your character with our magical standards to make it stand out.

Yours seat on the table will never be at the end where no one knows where you are. With the spirit of your passion and the power of Crosswords, we set like the BOSS!

It’s time to change? ALRIGHT! Let’s plan together a new dramatic entry!

Crossworders are good with reading between the lines and to see things in a different way. Therefore, we can tell a story so interesting like a wise grandpa.

It’s a game, who can beat the other? Strategy is knowing the perfect time to strike! Planning an easy, clear and strong strategy will always be SMART.

Visual Production for Commercial Advertisements

When it comes to commercials, we collaborate with visual expert production directors that have your back. We write a story based on strategic objectives. The process begins with an idea inspired by your business, followed by a scenario, filming, and eventually production. We convey your story to the screen and ultimately to your intended audience.

Based on the objectives of the commercial, we plan our creative outcomes through three steps: define the situation, show the benefit of the product/service, present the added value over the main situation.. the CALL TO ACTION. We come up with the most amazing ideas, guaranteed!

We have a selective number of talented directors who knows how to implement the best treatment to make your video something you want to watch like 1000 times.

Drawing the scenes is part of the process to show you how the video will look like. We offer the best picture through an amazing artists to make everything look clear to you.

Our cool friends of production houses got the team and the equipment to make the commercial like a movie set; loud and fun!

Marketing Campaigns

Stuck in your business? Don’t see any development in sales? Or maybe you’re doing good but wants to be BETTER? We got you! In Crosswords, we cover your marketing department. We build up your goals and then craft and launch compelling campaigns. We don’t just do campaigns; we measure and report their effectiveness to ensure it meets the appropriate goals. We have experience in choosing the right campaign for you.

After setting all the objectives and knowing who we will speak to, and getting all the tools ready.. we will attack! It’s campaign time!!

Step one, when you need to show up, do the awareness campaign. There are some special tactics to do this job well done; Crosswords knows it!

It’s time for more MONEY! Sales campaign are “what special you have, and CALL TO ACTION”. We know how fun is that! Let us do it for you.

Our “Observer Team” like to watch numbers and analyze them. They use their brains to spot the problem and fix it. Campaigns are about watching and modifying to make the best of it.